Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Room Three's Birthday Celebration!

This term room three's inquiry has been based around celebrations. We have had a strong focus on a student led inquiry and making sure the students are taking control of their own learning. We have look at celebrations such as halloween, Diwali  and birthdays. As a part of this inquiry the students decided they wanted to plan and create their own birthday party.

We spent the past couple of week in discussion about what activities, food and traditions are a part of a birthday party. From this we made our plan:

We had a awesome day playing traditional games like pin the tail on the donkey, pass the parcel, piñata, and races!

Of course we couldn't forget the most important part.... the cake! We sang happy birthday to the 7 people who had birthdays this term,  cut the cake, popped party poppers, blew out the candles and ate cake!

We had a amazing birthday party and loved celebrating all the awesome people in our class, let us know if you know any other games or traditions we could have done!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Tuakana Teina Friday 21st October 2016

Room 3 and Room 10 had the most fun this Friday for Tuakana Tiena. We made presentations about Divali, diva lights and dance. Room 3 say thanks for such a great day Room 10.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Mia goes to the Divali Celebrations!!

Mia goes to the Divali Celebrations!

I went to Divali with my mum  and brother in the city. I saw people dancing and dresses. A lady put hena on my hand to make a patten. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Hinemoa - A moment in Time

Divali Celebrations A Moment in Time By Hinemoa

It is the Indian New Year. I saw a colourful Rongoli at the front of my door. I heard some fireworks popping in the sky. I wondered if it will be fun at the happy new year. I felt very excited and very happy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Room 3 Learns about Onomatopoeia

This week Room 3 have learnt about Onomatopoeia words and what that means.
As a class we watched the following video, read a poem and completed a task on our iPads.... here is our Onomatopoeia Work...
Here is the video we watched... and keep watching because we enjoy watching it.







Friday, August 19, 2016

Rad Rythm Friday

We were having fun dancing with our drum sticks. We were having "Funky Time."

Our beautiful Hinemoa having funky time. Hinemoa was having fun dancing and play the drums.
Ana, Kelly and Lynch they were our drummers giving us a beat to dance with the Rad Rythm.

We watch Rad Rhytm and do the dances and drumming like them.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Kiwi's use thier books to finding information to answer a question

We have been learning to find information to answer a question. This week The Kiwi's used their book
"Wibble Wobble Albatross" to find out what they do. We watched the following video to see why the title said Wibble Wobble.  
Wibble Wobble
Here is our work about what an albatross can do by the Kiwi Reading Group





Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Room 3's Whanau Conference Presentations

This week our school has Whanau Conferences. Room 3 made presentations to show where they are in their learning and where they need to go next.

Take a look...

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Room's Marble Jar

This term Room 3 has worked very hard to reach their learning goals and filling their classroom marble jar. Students in Room 3 can win marbles for positive behaviour, working hard, demonstrating the 5 school values and may more positive things.     

Before they start to fill it up they decide as a class what they are working for. This half of the term they decided they wanted to work towards a "Pop corn, movie and pizza afternoon." 

Room 3's teacher's are very proud of their students and their learning. We have students who were working at Stage 2 in Maths who are now working at Stage 5, students who were reading at level 5 are now reading level 15 and students who can now write at a 1P level!
Room 3 you fully deserve your reward today!!!


Monday, June 27, 2016

Cybersmart.... leaving good footprints

Room 3 are starting to use the internet to look for different things. Mrs Manuyag came in to talk to us about how to start being Cybersmart leaving good footprints!! We made a movie about our lesson!

Image result for footprints


ANZAC Parade

This week Room 3 have been learning and writing about an ANZAC Parade. We watched videos and listened to stories. Room 3 made a plan for they writing by using key words and used their plan to write their story. Also, for the first time, to publish their work they 'TYPED' their stories up on their iPads... take a look!

By Jairus

By Savannah

 By Ana
  By Ngere
 By Fereti

Kiwis - Wind Turbine

Image result for kiwi clipart


This week the Kiwis reading group have been learning about Wind Power. They used the information they read to draw and a label a wind turbine. They also used the information to answer questions about how they work.

Joshua and Abigail

Image result for Fantail clipart

This week the Fantails have learnt to read the words come and has.
Here is the work they did after they learnt to read the words.

Pukekos - Sun Bears

Image result for pukeko clipart 

The Pukekos

This week the Pukekos have been reading a book called Sun Bears. They were learning to find information in their books to answer questions. Today they made a fact sheet about Sun Bears from the information they found out.

Take a look ....

Explanation Text

Room 3 have been learning the features of an Explanation text. We have used this burger model to help us understand what parts are included when writing an explanation text.


We put our own burgers together in the right order and matched parts of an Explanation Text about the life cycle of a frog.

This week we learnt how to write and introduction for an Explanation Text using topic words. Once we had done that we read each other work and highlighted the topic words our friends had used. We gave them feedback on what we liked about their work.